Press Release

The Gem County Chamber of Commerce Economic Development Foundation has funded a project for beautification of Downtown Emmett.
On November 1st, 2023, the previous trees on Main Street and the corners of Washington Avenue were torn out for a multitude of reasons. Most had become diseased and were dying, while lots were on a quick road to cause serious damage to the sidewalks, buildings, and streets. These trees were originally planted by an organization whose primary job was to revitalize downtown Emmett. Unfortunately, they were not sidewalk appropriate trees.
In the end it took almost 5 years to see this project come to life. Many meetings, collaborations and brainstorming were had. While funding was an important part of the puzzle that needed to be completed, the forefront of the conversation was always choosing a tree that would be sustainable for the sidewalk environment but also offer shade and little debri.
You’ll fall deeply in love with the pretty, fruit-less flowering Crabapple. Spring Snow Crabapple (Malus Spring Snow’) explodes with stunning fragrant white flowers in spring. The blooms are held profusely along its branches right to the tips through spring. The lush green leaves will add the perfect amount of shade through summer and early fall with the tree maturing to just the right size for a Downtown environment.
Congratulations to the EDF for a job well done.